
Care Overview

1.    Inpatient Care
One of our designated nurse practitioners will visit with you before leaving Brigham and Women’s Hospital.  During this visit, our nurse practitioner will assess your individual care needs and develop a plan.  Our nurse practitioner will also help you schedule your upcoming postpartum visits with our office.

  • Your next visit will be scheduled for approximately 10 days after the birth of your baby.
  • All patients will also be scheduled for a routine postpartum wellness visit approximately six to eight weeks after delivery.

2.    Ten Days After Delivery

Vaginal Delivery: Mom’s will receive a call from a member of our nursing team to review any questions or concerns.  If you have a need for an in-person visit (third or fourth degree tear/laceration, blood pressure check, etc) we may schedule you for an in-person visit with a provider in our office.

Cesarean Delivery: All mom’s who deliver via c-section will have an in-person appointment with a provider in our office 7-10 days after delivery.

3.    Six Weeks After Delivery
All moms will have a routine wellness postpartum visit six to eight weeks after the birth of their baby.  This visit should be scheduled with your primary obstetrician or the obstetrician that delivered your baby.  The wellness visit will include a blood pressure check and physical exam.  You will also have the opportunity to discuss any new concerns, your physical recovery after birth, chronic disease management, sexuality, contraception, birth spacing and your general health maintenance.

4.    Ongoing Care

Breastfeeding Support
Jen Harper, NP, CLC also offers one-on-one appointments for patients that require more extensive, individualized breastfeeding support.  Please call our office at 617-731-3400 Option 2 to speak with our nurses.

Mental and Emotional Support
We are here to support moms with mental health concerns and connect moms with resources in their community.  This may involve a visit with one of our providers and/or a referral through MCPAP for Moms to a mental health provider.  We will also routinely ask expecting mothers to complete the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Screening (EPDS) during pregnancy and the postpartum period.

Existing Medical Conditions
Moms with preexisting medical conditions may require more frequent visits to our office or to another specialist or your primary care.

Problem Appointments
New gynecological concerns may also arise during the postpartum period.  Please call our office to speak with our team of nurses who can help evaluate your concerns over the phone.  You may need to be seen by one of the providers in our office or we may refer you to an outside specialist.