Our Services

Prenatal Care

Having Your Baby with New England OB-GYN

Our dedicated obstetric coordinators will assist you in scheduling your appointments and ultrasounds through the first half of your pregnancy. If you are transferring care to our practice, our coordinators will also assist you to make sure you are able to register with Brigham and Women’s Hospital and transfer your prenatal records from your previous office.

  • For newly pregnant patients, your routine obstetrical care will begin with a telemedicine visit between 6 and 9 weeks – you will speak with one of our nurses who will go over your medical history, provide educational materials, and answer any questions you might have. This appointment will take place over the phone during day or evening hours at your convenience.

    New England OB-GYN is a group practice including 9 obstetricians and you may have the opportunity to meet with other obstetricians in the practice throughout your pregnancy.

  • At 10 weeks you will meet the physician you have chosen to be your primary obstetrical provider, this visit will include a medical exam and a plan based on your health care needs. Your exam will also include blood work, a culture for gonorrhea and chlamydia and a pap smear if you are due for this screening.

  • Your next appointments will be at 13 and 20 weeks where you will have an ultrasound and a visit with your primary obstetrician afterwards. Ultrasounds are performed by Diagnostic Ultrasound Associates on-site in our office. Depending upon availability, ultrasounds may also be performed by Diagnostic Ultrasound Associates at their main location at 1 Brookline Place in Brookline, MA (a short drive from our office).

    After your 20 week ultrasound and appointment, we recommend you rotate meeting with our obstetrical providers until you are approximately 36 weeks pregnant. This will ensure you are able to meet more of our providers that may be at the hospital during the time of your delivery.

  • At 22 weeks, you will have a check-in appointment with one of our nurse practitioners or our physician assistant. This is an educational visit that will review what to expect in the second trimester.

  • Your next visit will be at 26 weeks and you will complete your glucose loading test (glucola drink and blood draw) as well as a blood draw to check for anemia (CBC and ferritin) and a recheck for syphilis as recommended by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

  • At 30 weeks, you will have a visit with one of our physicians where you will receive your Tdap vaccine. If you have an RH negative blood type, you will also receive a Rhogam injection and blood draw to complete an antibody screening.

  • From 32 – 36 weeks you will be seen every two weeks. Again, your visits may be scheduled with either your primary obstetrician or another obstetrician in the group.

    During the last few weeks of your pregnancy, between 36-40 weeks, you will be seen weekly – we recommend that you see your primary obstetrician to ensure that you have developed a labor and delivery plan specific to your needs.

You may require more frequent visits or testing than outlined here depending on your specific healthcare needs. Your primary obstetrician will work with you to develop a care plan that our team of providers and nurses will help carry out throughout your pregnancy. Additional visits and non-stress tests are performed in our office, while additional ultrasounds may be performed in-office or the main location for Diagnostic Ultrasound Associates depending upon availability.

Please read our current Prenatal Care Guide that reviews in detail our practice and protocols, testing offered by our office and additional resources for pregnancy and the postpartum period.

In-Office Genetic Counseling with Christina Dupre, MS, CGC

The prenatal genetic counseling process allows patients the opportunity to understand potential genetic risks to a current or future pregnancy, enabling them to make informed decisions in a supportive and non-directive environment. The counselor’s genetic expertise enables discussion, arrangement and coordination of appropriate genetic testing, as well as communication of results to both patients and their providers. When indicated, genetic counselors are able to facilitate appropriate referrals to other specialists and offer patients many resources, such as education materials and connections to support groups and other families who have experienced similar situations. This process helps patients make the best decision that is right for themselves and their family in the context of their personal and cultural beliefs.

The various reasons to seek prenatal genetic counseling include:

  • Women or couples interested in screening or diagnostic testing for a current or future pregnancy

  • Women who will be 35 years or older at the time of delivery with a singleton gestation

  • Women who will be 33 or older at the time of delivery with a multiple gestation

  • Women who have had abnormal results from prenatal screening tests, such as ultrasound or blood work

  • Women who have had abnormal results from diagnostic testing, such as CVS or amniocentesis

  • Individuals of ethnic groups in which particular inherited diseases are more common, including African-American, French-Canadian, Jewish, Mediterranean or Asian backgrounds

  • Women exposed to certain medications, drugs, significant radiation, and/or particular infections during pregnancy

  • Couples with a history of multiple miscarriages or infertility

  • Individuals who are known carriers of a genetic condition

  • Couples in which either parent has a personal diagnosis, previous child, or family history of birth defect, genetic disorder or mental retardation

  • Families with known consanguinity

A genetic counseling appointment often includes the following:

  • Review of you and your partner’s medical, family and pregnancy history

  • Discussion of identified risks, including

    • Description of the features and characteristics of the condition(s) for which there may be an increased risk

    • Quantification of the risk for the current or future pregnancy

  • Discussion of available screening/testing options

    • Discussion of possible results and its implications

The ultimate goal of a prenatal genetic counseling session is to address your concerns and answer any questions you may have while providing , guidance, support and counseling.

Prenatal Resources

  • Read before 10 week visit – please note some changes my apply including to prenatal classes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    View & Download

As an affiliate of Brigham and Women’s Hospital, all of our patients deliver at the hospitals main campus located in the Longwood medical area. To learn more about the Center for Women and Newborns at Brigham and Women’s Hospital view an online maternity tour. Brigham and Women’s Hospital is also proud to share their new obstetrical care initiative – TeamBirth. TeamBirth focuses on including you, the patient, as an active member of the care team through the use of multidisciplinary huddles. Check out the TeamBirth information sheet to learn more about how Brigham and Women’s Hospital is working to ensure every patient has a safe, dignified birthing experience.

Our Services