Our Practice

Billing & Insurance

  • If you receive an invoice from New England OB-GYN please contact our in-office billing department at 617-731-3400 Option 7. Please note, bills coming from New England OB-GYN will not appear in your Patient Gateway account.

    All laboratory, ultrasound, mammogram, biopsy and pap smear testing done in our office or by an outside facility is billed separately by the company that is processing the test – if you get an invoice from one of these companies please contact them directly.

    The best way to avoid billing issues is by making sure that we have the most current insurance information. If your insurance changes please let us know as soon as possible either at your next visit or by sending us a copy of your new card – please send/fax it to our address attn: Billing Coordinator.

    If you are unable to pay a bill from our office and believe you may qualify for financial hardship, please download the Financial Hardship form and submit it to our office so we may better understand your financial situation.

  • Insurance plans and coverage are becoming increasingly complex and confusing issues. We want to make sure that before you are seen as a patient at NEOGA we are a participating provider with your insurance plan.

    The best way to determine coverage is for you to contact the Member Services department of your insurance company (the number is listed on the back of your insurance card). NEOGA will submit to all commercial insurances as a courtesy but we cannot guarantee insurance coverage or benefits.

    Please keep in mind that you may need to obtain a referral from your primary care provider for non-routine visits if you have an HMO or POS insurance plan.

  • Please visit the following websites for more information on your coverage and benefits:

    Medicare Preventive and screening services

    Massachusetts Office of Elder Affairs

    SHINE (Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone)