Intimate Partner Violence

If you are in immediate danger, please dial 911.

Do not view this page if you suspect your computer is being monitored.

Website and email history may be viewable even if you delete your browser history and delete files. Please access a safe computer to use the internet – for example, at a public library, friend’s house, or another place where an abusive partner cannot track your viewing history.

Domestic Violence Resources

Below are some resources that may help you in this difficult time. All of the resources listed are free and confidential, and none will force you to leave a relationship or take legal action in order to take advantage of the resources and services provided, if you are not comfortable doing so. Remember that you do not have to be in crisis to speak to someone about your experiences or concerns of domestic abuse.

Protective Orders

A restraining order, also referred to as a 209A protective order, is one option for you to consider in seeking safety from your abusive partner. The information below describes court orders and answers to commonly asked questions such as how to get one, how they are enforced and how to make a decision about seeking an order.

A legal advocate can make getting a protective order less confusing, and his/her services are free. Call the MA SafeLink hotline at 1-877-785-2020 or ask at the court to be referred to a free legal advocate.

Our Services